EBHC-CT - Evidence-Based-Healthcare and Computational thinking in Advanced Nursing Science Education


The aim of the project is to develop, implement and evaluate module of Evidence-Based-Healthcare (EBHC) and Computational Thinking (CT) in Advanced Nursing Science (5 ECTS credit) education of Finland and Singapore

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Other Finnish

Project funder

Finnish National Agency for Education

Funding amount

55 000 EUR

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Contact information

Contact person

Project description

The aim of the project is to develop, implement and evaluate module of Evidence-Based-Healthcare (EBHC) and Computational Thinking (CT) in Advanced Nursing Science (5 ECTS credit) education of Finland and Singapore.

The outcomes of the project will be:

  • Definition of competence of evidence-based practice and computational thinking of advanced nursing science experts in Finland and Singapore;
  • A new EBHC-CT module for Master’s degree education in advanced nursing science
  • Cultural mobility and expertise exchange among students, educators and researchers


Main partners and experts involved in the project come from the research unit of Nursing Science and Health Management from the University of Oulu, and Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies Yong Loo Lin School of the Medicine National University of Singapore in collaboration with the National University Health System and Centre for Healthcare Innovation in Singapore.