In this project "Ionospheric electric currents and their dependence on interplanetary magnetic field: measurements and modeling in different spatial scales" (ICONIC) we aim to understand how ionospheric electric currents respond to solar wind. We will use ground-based magnetometers, satellites as well as the novel EISCAT 3D radar.

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University of Oulu

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Project leader

Project description

Centre for multidisciplinary research: Kvantum
Faculty: Science

One of the most important goals in space physics is to produce reliable predictions of space weather in the near-Earth space. Space weather is driven by solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) which drive electric currents in the Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere, the ionized part of the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Predicting and understanding ionospheric currents is important for the modern technological society because they can drive hazardous geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in powerlines and transformers and produce blackouts. In this project we will address the following three challenges in space weather modeling: (1) Modeling auroral particle precipitation (2) Ionospheric response to IMF By component (3) Small-scale (<100 km) structure of ionospheric currents during substorms.

Doctoral researcher Jussi Laitinen
Email: jussi.laitinen at oulu.fi