Robust and Reliable Delay-Sensitive Communication and Control Co-Design


In this view, the objective of R2D2 project is to deliver a unified framework of communication and control co-design considering (i) strict control requirements, (ii) dynamics of the system, and (iii) limitations in the available communication and computation resources.

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Multiple sources (Spearhead projects of centres for multidisciplinary research)

Project coordinator

University of Oulu

Project description

Project leader: Assistant Professor Sumudu Samarakoon

The advancement in 5G and beyond systems has enabled the integration of wireless communication in control systems towards low delay, high reliable, and robust designs. Although these two technologies complement one another, current research is mostly carried out independently focusing on either communication or control aspects preventing the realization of the full potential in wireless networked control systems. In this view, the objective of R2D2 is to deliver a unified framework of communication and control co-design considering (i) strict control requirements, (ii) dynamics of the system, and (iii) limitations in the available communication and computation resources. Towards this, various theoretical and algorithmic solutions will be developed for single- and multi-agent control systems within the project that will be validated on sandbox environments and testbeds. The outputs of the project will be instrumental in enabling different verticals including industrial automation, intelligent transport, digital healthcare, virtual/augmented realty, among many others.

Strategic research project of the University of Oulu

Focus institute: Infotech Oulu

Faculty: Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE)