People working with laboratory animals must have adequate education and training before they are allowed to start the work. Procedures on animals can be done only after proper theoretical education with practical training and skill shown. A researcher who is designing projects, must has completed the course purposed for that category and needs to have a proper academic degree. Animal care staff has a qualification for animal care.

A: Persons carrying out procedures on animals
- All those doing procedures in practice, like researchers, students and laboratory personnel
- Attend the course Using animals in research - carrying out procedures
- Continue practical training under supervision until the compence can be shown
- Competence to do procedures is species and procedure specific
B: Persons designing procedures and projects
- Researchers, who are designing and managing animal experiments
- Attend the course Using animals in research - designing procedures and projects
C: Persons taking care of animals
- Animal care personnel
- Education and training designed for laboratory animal technicians, including in the examination for the animal attendant’s special qualification
D: Persons killing animals
- Persons who only euthanize laboratory animals for example for sampling tissues
- Attend A course of basic handling and euthanasia of laboratory animals