Aliaksandr Bykau

Dr.Sc.(Tech.), Adj. (eqv. to Assoc.) Professor
Biophotonics group leader
Biophotonics and Sensor Technologies

Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

After obtaining D.Sc.(Tech.) degree in 2010, I was offered a postdoctoral position in the multidisciplinary team of the Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques (OPEM) Unit of the University of Oulu where I took a part at different research projects including “Biophotonics technologies for novel diagnostic and therapeutic applications, 2011–2014” (headed by the Prof. Valery Tuchin – a world recognized expert in biotissue optics). In 2017, I have received a title of an Adj. Prof./Docent in biophotonics and sensor technologies at the University of Oulu. Since 2019, I am leading and managing the Biophotonics Group at OPEM unit of the University of Oulu (equivalent to Assoc. Prof. position). For the last 6 years, a PI and/or Co-PI of over 10 research projects supported by the Academy of Finland, EU H2020, university strategic funding, and industrial partners including GE Healthcare, SpecIm, and others. PI of multiple grants (5) to invite talented researchers from abroad supported by the Academy of Finland and Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI).

My passion is to perform cutting-edge research in the area of optical diagnostics, sensing, and investigation of light propagation in turbid tissue-like scattering media. All these research topics are highly interdisciplinary, linking optics, photonics, electrical engineering, manufacturing, biochemistry, biomedical diagnostics, and sensing. In particular, our group pioneers and develops advanced polarization sensing, hyperspectral imaging, and optical tweezers techniques for applications in biomedicine, clinical diagnostic, pharmacy, and food industry.

Research interests

  • Optical imaging, sensing, and communication
  • Light-tissue interaction
  • Biomededical diagnostics

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Contact information


Phone number


Visiting address

Erkki Koiso-Kanttilankatu 3,
Tietotatalo, door E, TS264
90570 Oulu

Postal address

Optoelectronics and Measurement Techniques Unit
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
P.O.Box 4500
FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland