Andreas Rogler

I am a doctoral researcher at the University of Oulu where I am working for the faculty of education and psychology. In my research, I am focused on the internationalisation of higher education, internationalisation at home, online learning, and global mindedness.

My main goal is to explores the transformative potential of online learning to further the internationalisation of higher education. I am trying to understand how universities can effectively incorporate international perspectives into their teaching and campus cultures by utilizing online learning and virtual mobility. I am actively involved in this process by teaching diverse courses online and creating a virtual student circle for students from both the University of Oulu and the Yokohama National University.

The premise of my work is that simply participating in a shared multicultural (online) class is not enough to create meaningful intercultural or global learning experiences. Therefore, my research explores how universities can create meaningful and interactive learning experiences in a multicultural (online) learning environment that can foster student’s global mindedness and encourage their development as active global citizens.

Research interests

  • Internationalization of Higher Education; Internationalization at Home; Online Learning; Global Mindedness

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