Anne Oikarinen

Anne Oikarinen

I am a Docent in Nursing Science, specialising in promoting adherence to self-care and healthy lifestyles. I also hold a position as a University Lecturer and lead the research group of Adherence. My research interests focus on treatment adherence in patients with long-term or chronic conditions, and on patient education and health promotion in a digitalized healthcare environment, and on issues around them. The good quality of patient care is always the major focus. My long-term aim is to develop and establish evidence-based nursing in health care in order that nursing interventions will be effective, appropriate, feasible and meaningful.

Research interests

  • Adherence to treatment of people with long-term or chronic conditions
  • Digital healthcare technology in patient counselling and digital counselling competence of healthcare professionals
  • Lifestyle counselling competence in supporting adherence to healthy lifestyle
  • Secondary prevention of stroke and brain health
  • Health Promotion: sleep, stress, physical activity, diet, alcohol behavior, tobacco
  • Evidence-based health care competence
  • Instrument testing and development

Researcher information

Researcher profiles

Contact information


Phone number


Visiting address

Aapistie 5A, FI-90014 University of Oulu

Postal address

P.O.Box 5000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland