Ella Peltonen
Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Dr Ella Peltonen is an assistant professor at the M3S research unit, University of Oulu, Finland. She gained her PhD at the University of Helsinki and did her postdoc period at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Cork, Ireland. In addition, she has undertaken research visits to the University of California, Berkeley, US, University of Cambridge, UK, University College London, UK, and the University of Melbourne, Australia. Her research focuses on pervasive everyday sensing, distributed machine learning in the edge-cloud continuum, and “from data to actions” including ubiquitous recommendation systems and sensing data analytics. Dr Peltonen has been granted Marc Weiser Best Paper Award in the IEEE PerCom 2015, Rising Stars in Networking and Communications 2017 by N2 Women, The European Initiative EPIC Grant 2018, and Nokia Foundation Jorma Ollila Grant 2018.
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