Elmiina Tahkola
Doctoral researcher
Early childhood and music education studies
Faculty of Education and Psychology

I work as doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Education and Psychology. In my dissertation I examine emotions as embodied and constructed in relations in the context of early childhood education. My research is part of the RELA project (2020-2024), which explores changes in teachers' work and the meanings of it to different relations in education.
Research interests
- Emotions
- Relations
- Embodiment
- Narrative research
- Childhood studies
- Early childhood education
Researcher information
Researcher profiles

Contact information
Phone number
+358 50 327 2823
Postal address
Faculty of Education and Psychology
P.O.Box 2000
FI-90014 University of Oulu
P.O.Box 2000
FI-90014 University of Oulu