Ilya Usoskin
Space Physics

Prof. Ilya Usoskin is the head of Oulu Cosmic Ray Station and former vice-director of ReSoLVE Centre of Excellence, an expert in cosmic-ray and heliospheric physics, solar physics and geophysics. He graduated in 1988 with an MSc in Space Physics from Leningrad Polytechnics, obtained a degree of Cand. Sci. in Astrophysics from A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia) in 1995, and a PhD in Space Science from the University of Oulu in 2000. He worked as a postdoc at INFN (Milano) in 1997-1999, and as the head of Oulu Cosmic Ray Station since 2000.
Prof. Usoskin serves the scientific community as an expert, being, in particular, a Vice-President of IAU (International Astronomical Union), a member of the C4 (Astroparticle Physics) commission of IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics), etc. He has several awards, including the Knight's Cross of the 1st class of the Order of Lion of Finland (2013), Julius Bartels medal of the European Geoscience Union (2018), an award from the University of Oulu for outstanding contribution to research (2018), ISEE award (Japan, 2020).
He had several research grants at national and European levels, the largest and most prestigious being the ERC Synergy Grant GERACLE (2025--2031) and the national Centre of Excellence ReSoLVE (2014--2029)
Research interests
- Cosmic Rays, Solar Physics, Space Climate, Space Physics, Geophysics, Astrophysics
Researcher information

Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Postal address
P.O.Box 3000
University of Oulu
FIN-90014 Oulu