Iván Sánchez Milara
University Teacher and Fab Lab instructor.
Human Computer Interaction. Digital Fabrication.
Center for Ubiquitous Computing
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

I am University Teacher at the faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering as well as instructor at in Fab Lab Oulu. I am also pursuing my PhD with the topic "Making interactive spaces for education".
I am involved in education in the following University courses:
- Introduction to Computer Systems.
- Computer Systems.
- Programmable Web Project
- Principles of Digital Fabrication.
- Orientation for new students. Agile tooling.
- Fab Lab Project management
- Fab Lab Programming
- Fab Lab Project Work
I am participating in different educational activities with the goal of training teacher in STEAM and Digital Fabrication. I am also part of the Fab Academy education staff.
My research focus on how to integrate ICT innovations into learning environments in order to assist teachers into their daily tasks. My view is that teachers should be able to produce their own digital content and physical devices that fit with their teaching methodologies. I am studying how to build authoring tools for teachers to create their own learning applications. I am also investigating how Fab Lab machines and processes can be integrated into formal learning environments.
Research interests
- Digital Fabrication
- Human Computer Interaction
- Educational Technology
- Child Computer Interaction
Researcher information
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
90570 Oulu
Postal address
FI-90014 University of Oulu