Janne Heikkilä
D.Sc. (Tech.)
Computer vision
Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS)
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Janne Heikkilä has over 30 years of experience in computer vision and machine learning covering both basic and applied research. He has served the research community in various positions of trust including editorial boards of scientific journals, program committees of international conferences, and as a President of the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland. He is an IAPR Fellow and a Senior Member of IEEE. He has been the principal investigator in numerous research projects funded by Academy of Finland, Business Finland/TEKES and enterprises. His research interests include 3D computer vision, algebraic geometry, biomedical image analysis, computational photography, digital image and video processing, and deep neural networks. Prof. Heikkilä has published over 200 peer reviewed scientific articles in international journals and conferences (14, 000 citations, H-index 42 in Google Scholar). He has been the author or co-author in research papers published in top-tier computer vision journals and conferences including IEEE-TPAMI, IEEE-TIP, CVPR, ICCV and ECCV.
Research interests
- Computer vision
- Machine learning
Researcher information
Researcher profiles

Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Tietotalo (3rd floor)
Postal address
90014 University of Oulu