Jari Laru
University Lecturer
Technology Enhanced Learning
Teacher education, school and society
Faculty of Education and Psychology

Dr. Jari Laru (Ph.D, M.Ed.) works as a University Lecturer (tenured) and Educational Technologist in a Faculty of Education, University of Oulu.
He has done his doctoral thesis "scaffolding learning activities with collaborative scripts and mobile devices" in the context of Doctoral Programme for Multidisciplinary Research on Learning Environments. His current research interests are in the intersection of learning sciences and emerging technologies (currently AiED, Artificial Inteligence on Education)
Currently he is a consortium member of Generation AI research project funded by Strategic Research Council Finland (2023-)
Dr. Laru has had several years a lot of courses related to technology enhanced learning: Pedagogical use of ICT, Digital Media as a learning project, Designing Technology Enhanced Learning II, Open workshop, Programming in primary school, Emergent learning technologies, Learning Environments & Technologies etc.
Laru is Experienced Educational Technologist and Designer. He has years of experience for supporting learning and teaching with contemporary digital solutions. He is administrator of Finnish Microsoft Office 365 group and Pedagogical use of ICT on Facebook and has been chairman of the board of pedagogical use of ICT at the university of Oulu.
Research interests
- Artificial Intelligence on Education (AiED)
- Maker Education & Digital Fabrication
- Emergent Technologies & Education
- Collaborative Learning
Researcher information
Researcher profiles
Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90014 University of Oulu
Postal address
Faculty of Education & Psychology
P.O.Box 2000
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, 90014 University of Oulu