Jonna Malmberg

Learning Sciences

Eudaimonia Institute

Jonna Malmberg

Jonna Malmberg works at the University of Oulu, in Learning and Learning Processes (LLP) Research Unit and is also member of Learning and Educational Technology (LET) Research Unit. She was appointed as an Assistant Professor (tenure track) in the GenZ strategic profiling theme Co-evolution of humans and new technologies in the emerging digital era. Jonna´s research is focuses on strategic and self-regulated learning in solo and collaborative learning settings. Also, Jonna explores how to support strategic and self-regulated learning with the use of adaptive technologies. Recently, she has been exploring how physiological data, such as electrodermal activity is connected to self-regulated learning in individual and collaborative learning settings and how to help learners to develop their learning skills.

Contact information


Phone number


Postal address

Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education
Learning and Educational Technology Research Unit (LET)
P.O.BOX 2000,
FIN-90014 University of Oulu