Marko Moilanen
Doctoral Researcher
Human-Computer Interaction, SportsHCI, Human-Centered Design, Meaning-Centered Design, User-Centered Design, Disc Golf
Human Computer Interaction and Human-Centered Development
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

My research explores the digital transformation of disc golf—one of the fastest-growing sports—through the lens of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), focusing on SportsHCI and Human-Centered Design (HCD). Despite increasing reliance on applications, fundamental design knowledge remains limited. To address this gap, I develop a comprehensive framework for human- and meaning-centered design, using disc golf as a case study.
My objectives are threefold: (1) define foundational SportsHCI design principles; (2) develop and apply a human- and meaning-centered framework; and (3) examine how digital transformation shapes the roles, values, and interests of diverse stakeholders. The framework integrates flow, ethics, value-sensitive design, value propositions, and higher meaning, while emphasizing collaboration and addressing digital transformation challenges.
The study combines literature review and qualitative methods, including questionnaires, interviews, contextual inquiries, and virtual ethnography. Independent research papers use methodologies such as case studies and action design research to validate and refine the framework. By synthesizing empirical findings and theoretical insights, my research contributes to HCI and SportsHCI, addressing the broader need for design knowledge in digital sports contexts.
The findings offer actionable guidelines for designing user-friendly, engaging, and inclusive sports applications. For practitioners, such as disc golf app providers, these insights provide practical tools for enhancing user experiences and strengthening stakeholder engagement. Beyond disc golf, this research has the potential to inform other domains, advancing a universal approach to human- and meaning-centered design.
Research interests
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- SportsHCI
- Human-Centered Design (HCD)
- Meaning-Centered Design
- User-Centered Design (UCD)
- Digital Transformation
- Disc Golf
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