Otto Mankinen
Academy Postdoctoral Researcher
I’m interested in developing new, better means for characterizing structure and properties of (bio)materials by NMR spectroscopy. These methods contain so called ultrafast Laplace NMR methods, which utilizes relaxometry and diffusiometry experiments. The experiments are many orders of magnitudes faster than their conventional counterparts which enables the use of signal enhancement routines, hyperpolarization. The combination of hyperpolarization and these new methods opens a wide range of interesting applications throughout various fields of sciences. The materials of interest include for example porous medium, wood based materials and biological systems.
Research interests
- Biomaterials
- Laplace NMR
- NMR-spectroscopy
Researcher information
Researcher profiles

Contact information
Visiting address
Postal address
P.O.Box 3000
90014 University of Oulu