Samira Ibnelkaïd

Affiliate Researcher
Multimodal Interaction Analysis & Decolonial Visual Ethnography & Critical Phenomenology

Languages and Literature
Faculty of Humanities

Samira Ibnelkaïd profile picture

I am an Affiliate Researcher at the University of Oulu in the Research Unit for Languages and Literature. Through an interdisciplinary approach drawing on decolonial visual ethnography, multimodal interaction analysis, and critical phenomenology, my research aims to shed light on the complex and renewed intersubjective practices of embodied and (digitally) artifacted interactions in mundane, artistic, and workplace settings.

I seek to describe the technobodily ethnomethods used by participants of diverse identities to collaboratively share their experiences, build common knowledge, and enact a sense of community and belonging. I apprehend human interactions as aesthesiologic co-experiences comprising three fundamental dimensions: aesthetic, material, and socioaffective.

My work currently centers on the lived experience of high-skilled racialized migrants in Finland. I investigate how ethical and creative digital technologies and practices can empower them to shape their own identities, experiences, and trajectories.

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Research interests

  • Intersubjectivity & Intercorporeality
  • Digital Technologies (Smartphone Use & Video-mediated Interaction)
  • Translocality & Migration
  • Anti-racism & Decolonization
  • Empowerment, Emancipation & Equity
  • Video-based Research
  • Multimodal Interaction Analysis
  • Decolonial Visual Ethnography
  • Critical Phenomenology

Researcher information

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Phone number


Visiting address

Linnanmaa, Snellmania
Room HUM313
Yliopistokatu 9
FI-90570 Oulu

Postal address

Research Unit of Languages and Literature
Faculty of Humanities
P.O. Box 1000
FI-90014 University of Oulu