Summer School of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
Summer School of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics in English.
ECTS credits: 10-20 op
Person responsible: Alexander Kastaniotis
Link to the registration: student independently agrees the working period with the research group in the biochemistry field (research work) or with the company in the biochemistry field (biochemical work).
Target group: MSc students
Schedule: summer 2019
Implementor: FBMM
Additional information: max 10 credits are allowed in one placement.
ECTS credits: 15 op
Person responsible: Lloyd Ruddock
Link to the registration: student finds a suitable supervisor for dissertation and contacts Lloyd Ruddock for details
Target group: MSc students
Schedule: summer 2019
Implementor: FBMM
Additional information:
ECTS credits: 30 op
Person responsible: Lloyd Ruddock
Link to the registration: student agrees about the project with Lloyd Ruddock and principal investigator of the research group
Target group: MSc students
Schedule: summer 2019
Implementor: FBMM
Additional information: MSc thesis (experimental part or written part) can be done during the summer.
ECTS credits: 0-30 op
Person responsible: Lloyd Ruddock
Link to the registration: student agrees about the project with Lloyd Ruddock and principal investigator of the research group
Target group: MSc students
Schedule: summer 2019
Implementor: FBMM
Additional information: