Stabilization of sulphidic mine tailings by different treatment methods. Heavy metals and sulphate immobilization

Thesis event information

Date and time of the thesis defence

Place of the thesis defence

Linnanmaa, hall L6

Topic of the dissertation

Stabilization of sulphidic mine tailings by different treatment methods. Heavy metals and sulphate immobilization

Doctoral candidate

Master of Science Jenni Kiventerä

Faculty and unit

University of Oulu Graduate School, Faculty of Technology, Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit

Subject of study

Process Engineering


Professor João P. de Castro-Gomes, University of Beira, Portugal


Professor Mirja Illikainen, University of Oulu

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More environmentally friendly management method for mine tailings

Environmentally friendly and sustainable management methods for mine tailings have been studied in this research.

Millions of tons of solid mining wastes, mine tailings, are generated worldwide annually. Most of the generated tailings are deposit in tailings dams under water coverage near mining sites. New management methods are needed, to develop more environmentally friendly deposit technologies for mine tailings in the future. Based on the research, mine tailings could be treated also as a raw materials instead of industrial wastes.

Based on the research results, by mixing the mine tailings with proper binding material and liquid the solidified material could be obtained. Simultaneously the harmful components such as heavy metals are immobilized inside the produced matrix. Other industrial residues such as metallurgical slags can be used as a binder materials.

The results can be utilized to develop the management of mine tailings into dry landfilling area instead of tailings dams and both short and long-term environmental problems could be decreased. By developing this technology further, the mine tailings could be utilized also as a construction materials.

The work for this research was mainly carried out in the project called GEOSULF, funded by Business Finland and mining industry.
Last updated: 1.3.2023