Instructions on applying for the title of docent - FMed
According to the section 89 of the Universities Act (558/2009), a person may be granted the title of docent on application. The Rector for Research may grant the title of docent to a person who has comprehensive knowledge of his/her own field, a capacity for independent research, as demonstrated by publications or some other manner, and good teaching skills.
According to the University Recruitment Principles, if the Dean finds that the applicant fulfills the requirements for the title of docent, the Dean will submit a proposal of appointment to the Rector for Research. Statements are requested on the applicant's academic qualifications from two reviewers, unless, for some special reasons, such statements are considered unnecessary. The Dean decides on the assessment method of teaching skills.
When applying for a title of docent at the University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine, the following guidelines must be followed. The application should be electronically submitted to the management assistant in PDF format and include the following:
1. The application should be addressed to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu and include the specification of the field of the docentship. The applicant must state reasons, why he/she is applying for the title of docent and what he/she has to offer to the University of Oulu. The topic of the demonstration lecture should be stated in the application. The demonstration lecture should be suitable for basic education, and the duration is limited to 15 minutes. Other notes than a short summary are not permitted. A memory stick slide show is recommended.
2. A curriculum vitae
3. A list of publications and the corresponding publications
The title of docent is mainly academic. Therefore, in the assessment of the applicant, primary attention is paid to the quantity and quality of scientific publications. The publications must indicate that the applicant has developed his/her own line of research and that he/she is actively engaged in research work. The Dean of the Faculty decides on the applicant's competence. The applicant classifies the publications according to the following:
I. Scientific original articles a) in international peer-reviewed journals and b) in national series, a separate reference of the doctoral thesis publications is required. Minimum of twenty (20) international original articles are required. The applicant has to be the first, the second or the last author at least in ten (10) articles.
II. Scientific reviews, as in section I
III. Manuscripts
IV. Other publications; can be divided in subgroups, if needed
V. Conference abstracts and others
An article is considered as a scientific original article only if it essentially includes new research findings, which have not earlier been published, and if the article has been published in a scientific journal. The unpublished articles need to be marked as "in press" or "accepted for publication". When formulating a publication list, so called Vancouver-system will be followed (e.g. Wilson DH, Thyson WT. The name of the article. Am J Clin Pathol 1997;29:762-770).
Publication list can include at most two (2) high-quality systematic review articles. Systematic review is a type of literature review that uses systematic methods to collect secondary data, critically appraise research studies, and synthesize findings qualitatively or quantitatively.
Open access -articles are also acceptable. However, the publication must have undergone a real peer-review. Articles that are published only electronically in non-indexed publications or in so-called Predatory Journals are not accepted.
Case reports and conference proceedings are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
The chosen articles without a link into the publication in the publication list need to be attached in the application as pdf-files.
4. The applicant's informal evaluation (max. 2 pages) concerning the scientific production and essential guidelines for his/her future research, including acting as a tutor. It is possible to mention grants, and analyze how many times the applicant's articles are cited in the literature.
5. Scientific postgraduate education. National or international scientific postgraduate education is important when scientific competence is evaluated. It is possible to mention participation and/or organization in international scientific conferences or courses, and conference presentations.
6. In the teaching portfolio the applicant should enclose a report concerning his/her teaching merits, produced teaching material and teaching development plan. The applicant must have good teaching skills, demonstrated by proven experience in teaching and/or pedagogical training. Please report:
- Present teaching merits
- Future plans on how to earn credit in teaching in the Faculty of Medicine
- Present pedagogic studies, especially if teaching experience is few
Teaching merits have to be separately reported in undergraduate, postgraduate and professional levels.
7. A specialized physician or specialized dentist must have a 2-year working period as a senior physician or senior dentist. An itemized calculation showing the clinical service must be included in the application.
8. The director of the discipline delivers a statement in which the quality and quantity of the applicant's publications will be stated, and suggests two external reviewers. The statement must also include reasoning, why the title of docent should be granted to the applicant, and what value it will bring to the discipline.
9. When the title of docent has been granted, the applicant has to participate in teaching duties in the faculty. The applicant can also participate in the development of teaching.
10. The docentship committee of the faculty presents the application for the Dean.
Contact persons:
Anne Vainionpää, Management assistant, anne.vainionpaa(at)
Tiina Pääkkönen, HR Manager, tiina.paakkonen(at)
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