Dress Code

The Conferment Ceremony is like a festive play. It is based on centuries old traditions and follows a certain pattern. Costumes and lines are crucial parts of this play. Different groups have their own costumes and dress code in order to promote a sense of unity among them. For example, young doctors’ uniform outfits symbolize their transition from doctoral researchers to doctors. For these reasons, it is expected that participants follow the dress code.
The Sword Whetting ceremony starts the festivities of the Conferment Ceremony weekend.
Conferment Ceremony Act
The Conferment Ceremony is the most prestigious of the university’s celebrations and the conferment festivities.
Procession and Ecumenical Service
Administration of the university, conferrers of the degrees, honorary doctors, young doctors, personnel of the university and invited guests with companions form an impressive procession in the centre of Oulu to Oulu Cathedral for the ecumenical church service.
Conferment Banquet and Ball
The Conferment Ceremony day ends with a festive dinner and dancing.
The Sailing Trip is fun, relaxed occasion and most informal of Conferment Ceremony festivities.