Dressing of a Tailcoat

Tailcoat is the most formal and elegant of suits. Here You can find out how to wear it.
Juhlamenojen ohjaaja ja airut katsovat kohti kameraa.

How to Wear a Tailcoat

A tailcoat is worn with white wing collared dress shirt. A dress shirt has mother-of-pearl studs and golden cufflinks. Shirt cuffs are allowed to be shown 25 cm at the most. Adjust the right length of the sleeves with sleeve garters.

Trousers are never worn with a belt. Instead a wide white braces can be used.

Please notice that if a sword is carried, a separate button for a sword sling is being sewed into trousers. The button is sewed on the height of a waist and the button's diameter is approximately 2 cm.

A white bow tie is always used with a tailcoat.

No breast pocket handkerchief is used with a black waistcoat. A white breast pocket handkerchief with a straight folding is used with a white waistcoat (though not with the highest decorations). The breast pocket handkerchief is placed so that only a strip as wide as a cigar can be seen. The breast pocket handkerchief is fastened imperceptibly inside the breast pocket with a pin.

Coat tails are fastened with an elastic band so that the the gap between them equals the width of a palm. A black elastic band is used with a black waistcoat and a white one is used with a white waistcoat. The waistcoat is adjusted from the shoulder straps; the lower part of the waistcoat should be visible 25 cm from beneath the front of the jacket.

Black, knee-high socks are always used with a tailcoat. Black, thin-soled lace-up shoes are used on day occasions. No patent-leather shoes should be used. On evening occasions black, thin-soled lace-up shoes are used. Patent-leather shoes are required.

No wrist watch should be worn when wearing a tailcoat (except a wrist watch with a golden strap). Pocket watch with golden chain is allowed.