Equality Week

The University of Oulu is committed to promoting equality and diversity. We aim to have an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students and staff. To celebrate our diversity, we invite everyone to take part in Equality Week events and activities during 18.-22.3.2024.

Event information


Tue 19.03.2024 - Thu 21.03.2024



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The promotion of equality and diversity is a shared responsibility of the entire university community. Every student, staff member and researcher can promote and foster a welcoming university community by their own actions.

To celebrate and highlight the diversity of our community, we welcome everyone to participate in our events during Equality Week!

Tuesday 19 March, 10-11.30, Lecture hall L2

Open lecture by Anna Wahl: How to transform academia from within – gender mainstreaming and organizational change

Anna Wahl will introduce her research field “Gender and organization” and discuss her experience from of working with gender mainstreaming at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. The lecture includes strategies for change, examples of implementation and concluding reflections about sustainable work for gender equality and diversity. The lecture is open for all students and staff and no registration is needed.

Thursday 21 March, 11-15, main lobby of Linnanmaa Campus

Antiracism pop-up and community art project

Stop by the green coat racks and participate in an anti-racism quiz designed by students. Leave your mark on the community art project too, which consists of stickers affixed to acrylic panels. You can either design your own sticker or make use of pre-made templates.

At the pop-up, you can also learn about the university's diversity and inclusion measures and initiatives against harassment. Come to discuss, for example, the university's equality and diversity plan, language policy, UNIC's diversity-themed master's programme, as well as OYY's language policy and internationalization initiative.

Stickers and coffee will be available for all – warmly welcome!

Read more:

Diversity Equity and Inclusion at the University Oulu

Last updated: 27.3.2024