Good Work Symposium II: The push and pull of working life between threats and utopias

The annual Good Work Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, developers, students of various disciplines and others who are interested in different phenomena in and research on working life. You are welcome to present your own research and / or listen to others' presentations and discussions.

Event information



Venue location

Tellus Backstage



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What: Good Work Symposium II: The push and pull of working life between threats and utopias

When: September 6, 2024

Where: Tellus Backstage, University of Oulu (Linnanmaa Campus)

The annual Good Work Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, developers, students of various disciplines and others who are interested in different phenomena in and research on working life. You are welcome to present your own research and / or listen to others' presentations and discussions.

Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline: August 25
Abstract acceptance notification: August 27

Program published: August 28
Registration deadline for all participants: September 1

Our time is characterised by great and fateful questions: on the one hand, we are faced with threats such as war, environmental destruction and pandemics. On the other hand, we may find inspiration in new technologies, new forms of working and new communities as stages for a good life. In this year’s symposium, we meet over breakfast, lunch and afternoon coffee to discuss research on working life and development prospects in the push and pull created by threats and utopias.

The symposium will begin with a keynote by the Good Work network, which will map issues of an ecologically and humanely sustainable working life in the era of green transition. The afternoon will consist of presentations and discussions by symposium participants. The symposium will conclude with a compelling and forward-looking discussion.

Invitation to present: You are welcome to participate in the symposium with your own presentation on humanely and ecologically sustainable working life! Send a 300-word abstract via the registration form no later than August 25 and prepare to give a 15-minute presentation at the symposium. The presentation can deal with research that has been conducted, is in progress or is currently at the idea level. The presentation can also deal with difficult questions or good practices in your own organisation that could be addressed through research. The primary language of the symposium is Finnish, but the participants may also give their presentation in English if they wish to do so. Registration form

For venue and catering purposes, we ask all participants, with or without a presentation, to register no later than September 1, 2014.

The symposium is organized by the Good Work network at the University of Oulu with the support of UniOGS. Doctoral researchers have the opportunity to gain 2 ECTS credits by participating and presenting their own research at the symposium.




8.30–9.00 Breakfast

9.00–9.15 Opening words of the symposium, Teemu Suorsa and Maarit Siromaa

9.15–10.15 Keynote: Ecologically and humanely sustainable meaningful work in the era of green transition – empty words or everyday actions? Individual responsibility or a common cause? Good Work network

10.15–11.00 Joint conversation on the symposium topics

11.00–12.00 Lunch (Kerttu)

12.00–13.30 Hoito ja työ (Care and work)

  • Eeva Vuorivirta-Vuoti: Hoitotyön johtajien näkemyksiä tulevaisuuden johtajuudesta sairaalaorganisaatiossa pandemian jälkeisenä aikana: laadullinen kuvaileva haastattelututkimus
  • Kaisu Jansson: Sairaanhoito 2020-luvun sote-organisaatioissa: Nimellistä jäsenyyttä vai aitoa osallisuutta, pakollisia menoeriä vai tulevaisuuden investointeja?
  • Tiina Salmijärvi: Lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen kansallista opetuksen kehittämistä ja yhteisöllisyyden lisäämistä - pedagogisen hyvinvoinnin ytimessä?
  • Maria Keväjärvi: Lasten omaishoitajien kokemuksia työnohjauksesta – ”tämä on oikea työ eikä mikään harrastus”

13.30-14.00 Coffee / Tea and snack at Tellus Backstage

14.00–15.30 Oppiminen ja kokemus (Learning and experience)

  • Eija Liikamaa: Positiivinen politiikka kuntapäätöksenteossa
  • Santeri Halonen: Resilienssi – avain kohti inhimillisempää työelämää
  • Oona Vuorio: Epämuodollisen oppimisen johtaminen: Inhimillisten tekijöiden rooli epämuodollisen oppimisen mahdollistajina ja hidastajina
  • Susanna Hellsten, Anna Suorsa, Kirsi Raetsaari & Teemu Suorsa: Monialainen yhteistyö yksilöllisenä, yhteisöllisenä ja yhteiskunnallisena kysymyksenä

15.30–16.00 Summary and closing discussion

Last updated: 26.8.2024