Nokia Student Network Hackathon 2022

Event information
Mon 17.10.2022 09:00 - 17:00
Venue location
Ready to make an impact with Nokia? Join in a hackathon!
Create a team of 4-6 persons and join the hackathon event at the University of Oulu.
Sign up for the event and register your team here by 12 Oct 2022.
Entering the hackathon final competition
The Winning Team from each school will enter into the Nokia Student Network Hackathon finals competition held on 18th – 19 th November 2022 at Metro Areena, Espoo. The 24-hour event will start at 17.00 followed by 20 hours of creating a solution for a new challenge in the same themes as in the local competitions. The winning teams of local hackathons will receive an invitation to the Nokia Student Network Main Event, which will be held together with the Elisa Masters major esports event on 18.11 at Metro Areena in Espoo.
The themes of the challenges lay in our responsibility to develop technology to address the world’s challenges. Pressure on the planet is increasing, thus reducing carbon emissions and the use of scarce natural resources need new solutions to protect the diversity of our planet. Productivity is stalling, as bringing digitalization to the physical industries has not yet reached the level to increase the level to help companies and communities to thrive at their best. Inclusive access to opportunity remains stubbornly unequal, therefore new solutions are needed in providing more inclusive access to work, healthcare, and education.
The technologies you should think of are Mobile Network and IoT, Network as Code, Cybersecurity, 5G, and the Public Cloud. The specific challenges will be revealed at the beginning of the local events, in which the teams have five hours to create a demo, mock-up, or just a PowerPoint presentation of the solution.
The solution can be created only on a laptop and network connection – no other props are needed in the local events.
Criteria for local event solutions
To be successful in the Hackathon, you and your team should consider the uniqueness of the solution, market Impact (user, customer, society, technology evolution) and monetary impact, and last, but not least, the proposal for the technical implementation of the solution. Use your imagination and creativity to its fullest!
The overall Winning Team of the final competition will be invited to work at Bell Labs in Espoo or Tampere during the summer of 2023. Bell Labs is a well-known industry lab that has shaped human communication for almost a century and has been recognized with many prestigious awards, including 9 Nobel prizes.
For more information, please contact
Join us!
Local events
15.10. Aalto University
19.10. University of Helsinki
1.11. University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences
27.10. LUT University, Lappeenranta
25.10. Laurea University of Applied Sciences
20.10. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
17.10. Oulu University, Oulu University of Applied Sciences
25.10. Savonia University of Applied Sciences
2.11. Tampere University
1.11. University of Turku, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Åbo Akademi