Storytime for the Faculty of Education: Hanna Nuorala

Storytime events showcase the career stories of University of Oulu alumni from different faculties. For the next Storytime we have Hanna Nuorala from the Faculty of Education sharing her story. Hanna will be interviewed by a student of music education and board member of Mukava organisation Iines Tikka. 

Event information


Wed 19.05.2021 15:00 - 16:00

Venue location

Instagram @UniOulu

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You can join the show on Instagram account @UniOulu on Wednesday the 19th of May at 3 PM.

Hanna Nuorala graduated from the faculty of Education majoring in Music Education. She has worked at the Helsinki City Theatre from 2017 as a theatre and drama teacher. Currently she is the head teacher in Shed musical theatre, in which children aged 9 to 19 get to produce a Christmas musical together with Helsinki City Theatre. Join in and learn what a music teacher can do!

The discussion will be in Finnish.

Storytime events are free and open for all. These events are targeted for students and aim to help in planning one’s own career. If you have a good speaker in mind or wish to know more, please contact

Last updated: 4.4.2022