Twitter conference: Research of the Future, the Future of Research

University of Oulu is organizing a Twitter conference on 15 June 2023 with the theme “Research of the Future, the Future of Research”. You don’t need to travel to attend this ecological conference and to hear about how science and research are answering the pressing problems that loom in the future!

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Thu 15.06.2023 10:00 - 12:40

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In this conference researchers from the University of Oulu and its collaborators, such as VTT, will discuss how research can serve to build a better future and what research will be like in the future. Follow this Twitter conference on 15 June to learn about the many ways in which research can answer the problems that we will face in the future and how the foresight work done in different research institutions and disciplines can help in the process!

A Twitter conference is a new way to organize a scientific conference where anyone, anywhere can participate with no need to travel. The conference will take place completely on Twitter as researchers tweet their presentations. The presentations will be retweeted by the moderator account @OuluTC.

To participate in the conference, follow @OuluTC on Twitter and the official conference hashtags #FutureResearch and #ResearchFuture. You can follow the conference on Twitter even without a Twitter account via:

Conference schedule (Eastern European Time UTC+2):

10.00-10.20 Jussi Paakkari, Kvantum Institute, University of Oulu
10.20-10.40 Tiina Apilo, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
10.40-11.00 Marja Matinmikko-Blue, Infotech Institute, University of Oulu
11.00-11.20 Päivö Kinnunen, Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit, University of Oulu
11.20-11.40 Priyadharshini Perumal, Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit, University of Oulu
11.40-12.00 Ella Peltonen, Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services, University of Oulu
12.00-12.20 Henri Pettersson, Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education, University of Oulu
12.20-12.40 Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit (NANOMO), University of Oulu

Last updated: 12.6.2023