Webinar about agricultural water and nutrient analysis

Event information
Mon 09.10.2023 09:00 - Tue 10.10.2023 16:00
Venue location
Hybrid, lecture room TBC
Contact person: Bamgboye Taiwo Temitope (University of Oulu, Finland)
Responsible person for the course: Prof. Björn Klöve, UOULU/NIBIO// Dr. Tamara Avellan, UOULU
Platform: Hybrid
Credits: 3 ECTS (Certificate of participation give to all participants, credits for those who finish the assignments)
Assessment: research (PhD plan) presentations (first day) + learning diary for each day (some calculus and return exercises can be provided separately)
Course description (draft) The course aims to provide results from ongoing European research projects in innovative solutions for water and nutrient retention (and recycling) in agriculture presenting the opportunities and challenges for sustainable implementation. It is suited for PhD candidates from agronomy, engineering, and natural sciences, especially students in hydrology, water, and environmental engineering, as well as for students from political, social, or economic sciences interested in agricultural management.
Return tasks for PhD candidates (for credits 3 ECTS):
- Lecture diary on theory lectures and lessons learnt, 3-4 pages
- Research (PhD plan) presentations
Morning theory lectures (3-4 lectures a 30 min that could be recorded, TBD) and afternoon demos, discussions and group work.
Day 1 (9th of October): Introduction to on-going research projects and ways to create impact.
- 9-12 Lectures
- Prof. Dr. Björn Klöve (UOULU): Opening words on research challenges
- Tamara Avellan (UOULU) & Valentina Guerrieri (UNIBO): General overview and results of the sustainability assessments in WATERAGRI
- Dr. Vladimir Mrkajic (INOSENS): Transferring scientific information to local stakeholders.
- Prof Dr Martin Volk (UFZ): Solutions for water and nutrient retention in OPTAIN
- Discussion
Break for lunch 12-13
- 13:00 – 16:00 PhD presentations/M.Sc. research on various topics and cases related to WATERAGRI, OPTAIN and WATERLINE projects.
15 min each presentation (including 7 min presentation + 3 min Q&A / Feedback + 5 min break) >>> possible to accommodate 12 presentations.
Day 2 (10th of October): Water and nutrient retention solutions
Lectures of 20 min each + 5- 10 min Q&A + 10-5min break
- 9-12 Lectures:
- Jonas Nordström (LUND) and Wieslaw Fialkiewicz (UPWR): Cost-Benefit Analysis, Water Footprint Analysis and the Environment
- Arkadiuzs Glogowski (UPWR): Efficiency of Water Retainer: Field experiments and physical modelling outcome
- Stevo Lavrnic (UNIBO) & Valentina Guerrieri (UNIBO & Eriona Canga (ALCN): Farm constructed wetlands for water retention and water availability.
- Mona Arnold (VTT) & Eriona Canga (ALCN): Nature-based solutions for nutrient retention of surface runoff and subsurface drainage water (Note: This section can come after the VTT explains the biochar lab exp)
- UOULU: Controlled Drainage (Kedar/Syed)
Break for lunch 12-13
- 13- 16 Aashna Mittal (TUDELFT): Short Introduction to Serious Game AGRILEMMA - online
- 13:00 – 15:00 Serious game (Detailed time management of event can be decided later)
15:15 – 16:00 Serious game presentations / feedback.
The course is organised by Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering Research unit. More information about the WATERAGRI project, which is linked to the this event, can be found from the project's website.