XLIX Finnish Conference of Linguistics

The largest linguistics conference in Finland, Finnish Conference of Linguistics, will be held on 24–26 May 2023. Participants from the universities in Finland as well as abroad are welcome to attend.
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Event information


Wed 24.05.2023 12:00 - Fri 26.05.2023 16:00

Venue location

Nordic Art Hotel Lasaretti

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Finnish Conference of Linguistics 2023

The XLIX Finnish Conference of Linguistics will be held on 24–26 May 2023 in Oulu, at Nordic Art Hotel Lasaretti. The conference does not have a specific theme. The keynote speakers are

In addition to the plenary presentations, the conference programme includes section papers, workshops, poster walk as well as a panel discussion organized by the Linguistic Association of Finland (SKY). The topic of the panel is popularization of research in linguistics.


Programme (pdf); updated 15.5.


Submission of presentations is closed.

The main languages of the conference are Finnish, Swedish and English, but presentations in other languages are also welcome.


The following workshops have been accepted to the XLIX Finnish Conference of Linguistics:

  1. Beyond corpus data 2 – what data and methods do research questions need?
  2. English in Finland
  3. What’s up, what’s come as unexpected, and what’s expected in future research on linguistic and bodily involvement in multicultural interactions
  4. Kielitieteen tutkimuskohteet: kohti 2030-lukua
  5. Määrittelyn ja talkoistamisen kysymyksiä Tieteen termipankissa

Evening programme

On Wednesday 24 May at 7 pm the city of Oulu will host a free-of-charge reception at restaurant Preludi in Oulun musiikkikeskus. The programme includes the city’s greeting and refreshments. All registered participants have been admitted.

On Thursday 25 May at 7 pm there will be a self-financed conference dinner at Radisson Blu Oulu (54€). All registered participants have been admitted. See the menu here (pdf).

Registration for both events should be completed in the same form as conference registration. The conference dinner ticket is paid together with conference payment.

Book of abstracts

Book of abstracts (pdf); updated 19.5.

Registration and conference fee

The registration was open 20 March – 16 April 2023 at https://tinyurl.com/kielitiede23. The regular registration fee is 120€; the fee for students and doctoral researchers is 80€. The registration fee includes lunch buffet (Thu-Fri) and coffee (Wed-Fri). Registration fee is paid at registration to the University of Oulu account FI66 8919 9710 0010 29. The code ‘24304466’ and the name of the registered person should be written in the message box. The registration fee will not be returned.

Accommodation and venue

We have booked a quota of hotel rooms for the conference participants at six hotels in Oulu at a special price. Booking should be done directly with the hotel. See the hotels here (Note: the information in the document is only in Finnish. If you need further information, please contact the Organizing committee).

Nordic Art Hotel Lasaretti is located on the edge of Hupisaaret Islands Park north of the city centre. Distances: from the railway station/bus station 1.3 km, from the airport 17.8 km. For further information (such as parking), see the hotel's website.

More information about Oulu: visitoulu.fi/en

Finnish Sign Language Interpreting

There will be Finnish Sign Language interpreting organized in selected parts of the conference. The conference organizing committee will inform the speakers whose presentation will be interpreted in sign language. If you are among these, please follow the instructions and note the deadlines.




Organizing committee:

  • Pentti Haddington & Jari Sivonen (chairs)
  • Sisko Brunni
  • Sabine Grasz
  • Jukka Mettovaara
  • Santeri Palviainen
  • Elisa Risto
  • Tiina Räisänen
  • Katja Västi
Last updated: 29.5.2023