Annual registration

Each student pursuing a degree must annually register for attendance or non-attendance for each academic year.
- Register for attendance if you wish to participate in instruction, complete studies or a degree, and receive student financial aid.
- Register for non-attendance (absent) if you will not complete any studies during the academic year or term. A non-attending student remains enrolled at the University, but cannot complete any studies, does not pay the Student Union membership fee, and is not eligible for student benefits or scholarships.
- The registration cannot be done before the registration period begins.
- The registration is done at the beginning of each academic year (Both Autumn and Spring term) through the OILI registration service during the registration period.
- Students must register for all of their active degree study rights separately.
- Academic year registration cannot be done retroactively for semesters that have already ended.
If you do not have the Degree study right to at the University of Oulu, but a non-degree study right granted by the Faculty for a fixed study period (e.g. separate study rights), it is enough to register as attending at the beginning of your studies. Registration is valid for the entire duration of the right to study.
Annual registration period for new students for attendance for Academic Year 2024–2025 is open 1.5.2024-12.8.2024.
NOTE! For new incoming International Degree students, registration period is prolonged until 13.9.24.
You can register automatically through Oili service.
The annual registration period for continuing students is 1.5.2024–13.9.2024.
Registration for Spring semester only
The registration period for the Spring semester is 1.12.2024–31.1.2025. In that period, you can also change your absence registration for the Spring semester to attendance in the OILI service. If you need to change your attending status to absent, please contact the Faculty Study Services at latest 31.1.2025.
Council of State’s Decree 1082/2009.
New Students | Study Place Confirmation and Registration
All new students admitted to the University of Oulu are required to confirm their study place and register to the University.
Continuing Students | Annual Registration
Annual registration for continuing students
Registering as Absent
A degree student may register as absent without a specified reason for the duration of a maximum of two academic terms without it affecting the time granted for the completion of a degree.
Changing the registration status
The absence (non-attendance) registration to attendance can be changed at any time during the Academic year. Attendance to non-attendance can be changed only during the registration period.
Tuition fees and scholarships
Information on tuition fees and scholarships for continuing students at the University of Oulu.
Did you miss the registration period?
If you do not register for attendance or non-attendance during the registration period, you will lose your study right at the University of Oulu.
All students studying for a Bachelor's or Master's degree must also pay
- the Student Union membership fee before the registration and
- the student healthcare fee. It is paid to Kela once per term (spring and autumn), i.e., twice a year.
- Note! You do not have to pay the healthcare fee if you have social security coverage from another EU/EEA country or from Switzerland or the United Kingdom. Even if you do not have to pay the fee, you can still use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service. How should I proceed if I have social security coverage in another country?
The Student Union membership fee is not study right specific. Even if you have several study rights, you need to pay the membership fee only once.