Apply to become a Student Tutor or Kummi 2023-2024

The Faculty of ITEE is looking for students from our international programmes to work as student tutors and kummis for the new students staring their studies next academic year.

The Faculty of ITEE is looking for students from our international programmes to work as student tutors and kummis for the new students staring their studies next academic year.

If you are interested in practicing your learnership skills, gaining experience in tutoring, making new friends and broadening your network, this is your chance. You can apply to work either as a student tutor for the new students in our international programmes, or as a kummi to exchange students who arrive to study at the Faculty of ITEE in autumn and spring. As students of our Faculty your experiences and knowledge of the faculty and life in Oulu make you experts of welcoming new students.

The work as a student tutor or kummi is rewarded not only in the form of the experience but also as salary and credits. Student tutors and kummis get a salary of 14,10 euros/ guidance hour, a student tutor certificate, and 1 ECTS.

Student tutors and kummis receive training so you do not need to have previous experience in tutoring. For more information and to apply please see:

The application is open until the 5th of February.

Please help us welcome and integrate our new students for the next academic year. We are looking forward to seeing many applications from you.

Apply to become a tutor or kummi student for the academic year 2023-2024!

Tutors guide new students at the beginning of the academic year and introduce them to university studies and student life.

Last updated: 16.1.2023