The biology degree programme was awarded for developing education

The University of Oulu and the University of Oulu Student Union OYY have jointly awarded the biology degree programme for developing education in an exemplary manner.
Koulutusvararehtori Mirja Illikainen ojentaa herkkukorin tutkinto-ohjelmavastaava Lumi Viljakaiselle.

The degree programme has had an active development approach: "The degree programme has been systematically developing its education for several years, which is also reflected in the excellent Kandipalaute quality scores. Determined and bold reforms have been made under the leadership of the degree programme coordinator. A particularly meritorious development measure has been the strengthening of work-life cooperation in curriculum planning: the degree programme has implemented an alumni survey for 230 alumni and a development workshop for work life representatives. Based on the results of the alumni survey and the discussion at the workshop, the degree programme will develop the working life connection of the education and the attractiveness of the programme."

The degree programme coordinator in biology is university lecturer Lumi Viljakainen (on the right), and the recognition was given by vice-rector of education Mirja Illikainen at the rectors' summer coffee.

The university and the student union collected proposals for the recipients of the recognition through the education management group.

Last updated: 29.5.2024