Campus vision working group hands over its final report to the Board of the University of Oulu

The campus vision working group has completed its work. The group presented its final report to the Board of the University of Oulu at the campus vision seminar on 13 December 2022. At the seminar, the members of the working group described the stages of their work and presented three scenarios for the University of Oulu’s future in 2050.

"We would like to thank the campus vision working group and Lotta Leinonen as the group chair for their excellent and thorough work. The Board of Directors has now received the campus vision report according to the mandate of the working group, and we will continue processing the campus matter," says Juhani Damski, chairman of the board of the University of Oulu.

The campus vision working group started its work in March 2022 after the university’s Board of Directors decided to launch long-term work on a vision for the campus. The purpose of the campus vision work was to examine the conditions for creating as uniform a campus area as possible for the University of Oulu’s activities gradually over the next 25 years. The working group ended up with three different visions: Campus as a city, City as a campus and World as a campus.

The 15-member campus vision working group included university staff from each faculty, students and representatives from various service units. The scenario drafts were developed based on a campus survey on the future conducted in the spring and by consulting experts in various fields on topics such as digitalisation, sustainable development and internationalisation in higher education. In addition, the working group conducted benchmarking at other higher education institutions.

The draft campus vision scenarios were first presented to the university community at the Campus Vision Days 9–10 November 2022. The working group further developed the scenarios based on the feedback provided by the Campus Vision Days and the online survey.

“The campus vision working group has had an interesting and intensive working period, where we have acquired a wealth of views on the campuses of the future and adapted them in line with the starting points set by the Oulu university community. The solution of the campus issue will have a major impact on the future and success of the University of Oulu. It is important to create a clear and long-term plan to which the university commits and which is supported by the city,” says Lotta Leinonen, Chair of the campus vision working group and of the Board of the Student Union of the University of Oulu.

More information:

Campus vision working group,

Chair Lotta Leinonen

044 066 0384,

See the video "The three scenarios of the University of Oulu's campus vision" on YouTube

The Final Report of the Campus Vision Working Group

Presentation_Final report of the campus vision work

Last updated: 16.12.2022