Degree Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management awarded ASIIN and EUR-ACE accreditations until the end of 2028

The quality labels tell Finnish and international students and partners about the quality of the degree programme and education. The accreditation is based on a 16-criteria evaluation of education. The criteria include learning objectives, degree structures, teaching implementation methods, curricula and student admissions. The audit also assesses working life connections and stakeholder participation as well as resources, such as the number of personnel, their competence and funding mechanisms.
Since the field of Industrial Engineering and Management includes not only engineering but also education in other fields, such as management and business economics, the unit decided to apply for two quality labels.
Currently, there are approximately 300 undergraduate students in Industrial Engineering and Management. Each year, 45–50 new students start the five-year programme and 25 the Master’s programmes.
ASIIN, the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, is a worldwide accreditation organisation for higher education. It assesses and accredits study programmes in engineering, natural sciences, mathematics, computer science as well as economics and medicine.
EUR-ACE is a quality label awarded by the European Network for Engineering Accreditation (ENAEE) to study programmes in the field of engineering in Europe. ENAEE has created a standard to identify high-quality engineering degree programmes.
Accreditation was granted for the first time in the autumn of 2022.