Language and communication courses will start mostly remotely

Language and communication courses will start mostly remotely during the 1st study period. Teaching will be organized using Zoom, Moodle and other digital tools.
Occasional face-to-face lessons can be organized in language and communication courses during the 1st study period. The teacher will inform students about the schedules, contents, and alternative options. The university’s corona safety guidelines must be followed in face-to-face teaching.
Language and communication courses are interactive both in remote and face-to-face modes. Language courses offer students an excellent opportunity to meet each other, interact, and practice their language and communication skills. Language and communication studies support a sense of collaboration and prevent loneliness.
This policy concerns Finnish, English, Swedish, German, French, Japanese and Russian courses organized by Languages and Communication at the University of Oulu Extension School. Read more about language and communication studies in Peppi:
Questions about language and communication courses? Contact