Oulu's startup events during the summer of '24

The academic year is over for most of us, but that doesn't mean everything is over. The summer is the best time to relax and get familiar with new things, such as what is happening in the startup ecosystem of Oulu. Welcome to experience what Oulu has to offer for startups and entrepreneurial individuals!

Apply to InnoFest by 26.5.
The 10th PrintoCent InnoFest is all about boosting innovation around Printed Intelligence! It is the world’s biggest open innovation competition around printed intelligence and electronics, where 15 international multi-talent teams will crystallize, develop, test, and improve their idea. You can join as a team with and idea or as an individual expert with or without an idea.

The competition is free of charge and you get a chance to win a printed intelligence start package to support your idea’s next steps! If you miss the registration but would be interested in joining, send a message to Ville: ville.saarenpaa@oulu.fi.

More information: https://www.printocent.net/innofest

12.6. Midnight Shine – Startups meet investors
Midnight Shine offers a relaxing get-together, valuable discussions, and delicious food in the surroundings of peaceful mökki-like nature. During this year’s event, Ketomo will share their story and delectable ice cream.

Date and Time: 12.6.2024, 17.15 BusinessAsema / 18.00 Maikkulan Kartano
Event venue: Maikkulan Kartano, Maikkulanrinne 21, 90240 Oulu

Read more: Midnight Shine 2024 (businessoulu.com)

13.6. Create Action with Meaningful Content
In this event, you'll get tools for producing influential and persuasive content that help you create sales, convince potential investors, find the best partnerships, and get paying customers.

Meet the three awesome keynote speakers:

  • Martti Vaalahti: The Superpower of Words
  • Katarina Laaksonen: Marketing Communications Agency Kuulu: Most effective digital marketing channels and content
  • Elise Pietarila: How to create a phenomenon that moves masses and how to utilize the same elements on a smaller scale

Read more: Create Action with Meaningful Content (businessoulu.com)

Oulu supports the growth of student startups – three inspiring stories from student startup entrepreneurs (FI)

Funding for testing business ideas – Proof-of-Concept funding up to €5000

Students are offered Proof-of-Concept (PoC) funding for testing and piloting ideas, available up to €5000 per business idea. PoC funding is only available for the idea stage – established companies are not eligible for PoC funding. Funding can be used for purchasing expert services and materials.

PoC-funding call is ongoing but the grant should be used annually by the end of November. If you got interested, please contact Ville: ville.saarenpaa@oulu.fi.

Students from the University of Oulu: https://www.oulu.fi/en/for-students/working-life/towards-entrepreneurship#:~:text=Basic%20Business%20Studies-,Proof%2Dof%2DConcept,-(PoC)%20funding

Welcome to the free webinar series "Haluatko oikeasti onnistua bisneksessä?" (FI only)

  • Part 1: Yrittäjyys / 29.5. klo 8.30-10, Kim Väisänen
  • Part 2: Liikeidean kaupallistaminen / 15.8. klo 8.30-10, Marko Sorri
  • Part 3: Strategia / 19.9. klo 8.30-10, Marco Mäkinen
  • Part 4: Rahoituskelpoisuus / 9.10. klo 8.30-10, Marko Sorri
  • Part 5: Vienti / 13.11. klo 8.30-10, Kim Väisänen

Register: https://topaasia.com/nain-onnistut-busineksessa

Extra: 1.-5.7. EKINN Entrepreneurship Training Program in San Sebastián

From 1 to 5 July, EKINN, the brand new innovation and entrepreneurship node in San Sebastián, is providing an intensive entrepreneurship training program. Outside of travel costs to the location, this training is free of cost and will be held entirely in English, aimed at young local and international entrepreneurs aged 18 to 30 who have an innovative project in the ideation phase or who are interested in deepening their knowledge in the field of innovative entrepreneurship. --> About EKINN (fomentosansebastian.eus)

If you are interested in taking part in this training please send your motivation letter in English to fomentoss@donostia.eus, by 15 June 2024.

Don’t forget these upcoming startup events in the fall! More info in August or by asking.

Last updated: 24.5.2024