The Student Union gathered information on how the students see the quality of education and internationalization

The Student Union of University of Oulu has had a survey for students on October regarding education and internationalization in University of Oulu. The results will be included as a part of the self assessment report of University of Oulu in FINEECs auditing process. Along this it's to be hoped that this survey can act as a conversation starter inside the University.

The survey was able to point out some clear strengths and also points to work with moving forward. The students gave good grades to the overall quality of education and felt that their studies give ample skills towards working life. Along these the feedback guidelines were seen as clear and students felt that they have enough opportunities to give feedback. Regarding internationalization the students felt that the University community offers a wide range of opportunities for internationalization.

Based on the answers some work is needed on organizing the course and with the recognition of learning, since the students felt that the information delivered on both areas is not comprehensive enough and that its not delivered on time. The students also felt that the work loads on similar (for example 5 ETCS) courses are not in balance. Regarding feedback the students felt that they themselves do not get enough feedback on their work and that the effects on the feedback they give out are not being seen enough. A challenge on internationalization was that the option for internationalization was not seen as tempting for students.

There were 104 answers in total. Moving forward these themes will be discussed with students in focus groups in order to widen the perspective. Broader conversations will also be held as as a part of the University-wide auditing process.

Last updated: 25.11.2022