The Student Union is looking for student members for the University Board of Directors for the term 2024-2025

The operations of the University Board are guided by its responsibilities to decide on the budgeting, operations, assets, and strategy of the university. The University Board also approves all remarkable agreements and regulations regarding the university, as well as appoints new Rectors. The University Board also bears a lot of influence on education, as it annually approves the Degree Programme Portfolio. This means that the Board decides which Degree Programmes are offered during the academic year at the University of Oulu, as well as how many students are accepted into these Programmes. The powers of a Board of a public university are regulated by the Universities Act. Additionally, university-specific responsibilities are described in the University Statutes and Education statutes of the University. A detailed list of the tasks of the Board can be found at the end of this call. The Board assembles about once a month, but time should be reserved also for networking and preparing for the meetings.
Familiarise yourself with the responsibilities and minutes of the University Board:
Two student members will be selected for the body for a two-year term of office. In addition to students, the Board includes university professors, other staff and other non-university community members as regulated by the University Statutes. The Student Union’s Specialist of Academic Affairs will support the students when needed. Working in the Board will earn you credits and you will also receive meeting fees. A two-year term in the office is worth 4 credits (a maximum of 10 credits per student). The amount of the meeting fee is decided by University Collegium.
Previous experience in working as a student representative of the administration is considered an advantage. The Student Council of the Student Union of the University of Oulu will select the student members. An interview is part of the application process. The selection will take place in the Student Council meeting 17.10.2023 (the meeting will be held in the evening at the Linnanmaa campus). To be eligible for the position, the applicant must be a member of the Student Union, send the application on time, and register themselves as present at the University of Oulu by 10 October the latest.
In the application, mention your major, the stage of your studies and other experience that may affect the selection. Describe your own goals in the application, as well as your motivation for working in the Board.
The tasks of the Board are:
- to decide on the central objectives of the university’s operations and finances, the strategy and steering principles
- to decide on the university's operative and financial planning as well as on the budget, and prepare the financial statements
- to control the university's asset management and use, unless the Board has transferred the authority to the Rector
- to organise accounting and asset management monitoring
- to approve agreements that are significant or principled for the university, and issuing statements on major university-related matters of principle
- on behalf of the university, approve a performance agreement with the Ministry of Education
- to appoint the Rector(s) and deciding on their work distribution, and discharging the Rector if there is an acceptable and justified reason for that, taking into account the nature of the assignment
- to approve the University Statutes and other regulations for general organisation, and deciding on the university's operational structure
- to make a proposal to the Ministry of Education on changing the university's educational responsibility
- to decide on the number of students accepted to the university.
- to decide on the university’s shareholding in different limited companies and other companies, unless the Board has transferred authority to the Rector
We are hoping to receive compact applications in which you tell us about your motivation and know-how, as well as the positions of trust that you have worked in that are relevant for this position. You can attach your CV to the application. Send in your free-form application by 10.10.2023 at 23:59 to the following email: The email should be titled ‘The University Board’.
Additional information about the process:
OYY’s Specialist of Academic Affairs, Jere Tapio, and the Secretary General, Kauko Keskisärkkä,