University Board of Directors

The top decision-making body of the University of Oulu is the Board of Directors with 11 members (starting from the year 2022). The University Board consists of the following groups: university professors (2 members), other teaching and research staff and other staff (2 members), students (2 members), non-university community members (5 members). The term of office of the student members of the Board is two years and four years for the other members.

Board and the tasks of the board

University Board of Directors 2022–2025:

Chair of the Board: Mikko Ayub, Vice Chair: Tua Huomo

Mikko Ayub, Director
Tua Huomo, Executive Vice President (2024-2025)
Pertti Korhonen, government professional (2024-2025)
Tiina Rajala, Development Director (9/2023–2025)
Janne Saarikivi, linguist, non-fiction writer (2024-2025)
Tiina Kinnunen, Professor
Johanna Uusimaa, Professor
Jukka Hiltunen, Lecturer (1/2023-2025)
Kimmo Kontio, University Lecturer
Lotta Pennala, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (2024–2025)
Teemu Virtanen, Bachelor of Natural Sciences

The tasks of the board are

  • to decide on the central objectives of the university’s operations and finances, the strategy and steering principles
  • to decide on the university's operative and financial planning as well as on the budget, and prepare the financial statements
  • to control the university's asset management and use, unless the Board has transferred the authority to the Rector
  • to organise accounting and asset management monitoring
  • to approve agreements that are significant or principled for the university, and issuing statements on major university-related matters of principle
  • on behalf of the university, approve a performance agreement with the Ministry of Education
  • to appoint the Rector(s) and deciding on their work distribution, and discharging the Rector if there is an acceptable and justified reason for that, taking into account the nature of the assignment
  • to approve the University Statutes and other regulations for general organisation, and deciding on the university's operational structure
  • to make a proposal to the Ministry of Education on changing the university's educational responsibility
  • to decide on the number of students accepted to the university.