Take part in the survey and help with the assessment of the University’s carbon footprint!

University of Oulu’s commuting survey for students: For the calculation of the University’s carbon footprint, all students are kindly asked to participate in a short survey that enables the mapping of commuting habits.

Follow this link to the commuting survey.

At the moment, the University of Oulu’s Carbon Footprint Working Group is gathering information on the caused emissions by activities related to the operations on campus. One part of the ongoing carbon footprint calculation are the greenhouse gases emitted due to commuting. To support this assessment, the survey aims to gather information on the habits of students regarding their commuting activities between study place and home. Commuting refers to the daily or regular travel between the main home address and the campus.

Although the pandemic caused a change to usual routines of commuting and studying, we are interested in the habits under non-restricted circumstances as it was either before the pandemic or possibly in the post-pandemic period.

The survey takes around 5 to 10 min to answer, and all answers are collected anonymously. In addition, no exact address information will be asked of the participants. Your response will help us to map the emissions caused by the University of Oulu and formulate recommendations for mitigation measures.

For more information on the carbon footprint and the preliminary results of the calculation, you can visit the project’s webpage!

Thank you for your time and your answers!

The Carbon Footprint Working Group

Last updated: 27.9.2021