University of Oulu joins the Network for Sustainability Studies to become one of the eight member universities

Universities of Oulu, Helsinki, Lapland and Vaasa as well as LAB University of Applied Sciences are joining a network for studies around environmental, sustainability and responsibility topics.

The network founded by the University of Eastern Finland, University of Jyväskylä, and University of Turku is expanding when the universities of Helsinki, Lapland, Oulu and Vaasa, and LAB University of Applied Sciences are joining it.

Through the network, the students at the member universities can find such study modules around themes of environment, sustainability, and responsibility which their own university does not offer. Sustainability studies are open for all degree, doctoral and exchange students at the partner universities. Through new members, the study selection of the network will expand and become more versatile.

Know-how related to sustainable development is important in the working life of the future. According to the Finnish National Agency for Education, skills related to sustainable development are the most important generic skills in 2035.

Application to the studies open twice a year

The Network for Sustainability Studies has been piloted between the University of Eastern Finland, the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Turku during the academic year 2022-2023. From the beginning of the academic year 2023-2024, there will be a new broader selection of courses offered.

The application to the studies offered through the network will open in August 2023. It is possible to apply for all the courses of the academic year. There will also be a complementary application period for the spring semester later in the autumn. The students can freely choose one or more courses from the course selection according to their interests. Most study modules can be studied both distance and online.

Students can complete sustainability studies without including them in their major or minor studies. If a student wishes to include the studies as part of their major or minor studies, they must agree upon adjusting the sustainability studies in their studies with the person responsible for the study entity in their own university. Students at University of Oulu can include the network studies for example in the Minor in Sustainable Development (25 cr) which brings together sustainability studies from all faculties of our university.

You can get acquainted with the Network for Sustainability Studies at (English page soon to be published). The study selection will be updated on the website during the spring of 2023.

Last updated: 8.5.2023