University of Oulu in the top 400 in the QS University Rankings

This year the QS University Rankings listed a total of over 1400 universities considered to be the best in the world.

In this year's comparison the University of Oulu is ranked 392nd (2021: 377). Even though the absolute position fell, the relative position rose, because this year the number of ranked universities rose by more than a hundred. Thus, the University of Oulu ranks among the best 27.6% in the QS World University Rankings (2021: 29%).

The QS University Rankings emphasises the university's reputation, number of citations, teachers-to-students ratio, international staff ratio and international student ratio. The reputation studies are important in the QS Rankings and based on surveys of researchers and employers.

This year there was increase in the employer reputation and the international staff ratio. The employer reputation has been rising for the third year in a row.

Last updated: 10.6.2022