Updated Laturi is open!

Updated Laturi is now open for whole University.

You can log in by O365 username and the address is the same old one https://laturi.oulu.fi.

Please notice, that updated Laturi covers the entire thesis process from preliminary title to finalized thesis to publication.

Student’s thesis process is as follows:

- Student starts the process by filling thesis information and preliminary headline for the thesis.

- If the thesis is done in pairs or groups, student names other authors. The supervisor can also do this, but mainly student is responsible for this.

- Student invites already known main supervisor and possible other supervisors from the list. Main supervisor (master’s thesis) may also invite other supervisors.

‒ Student submits the research plan, which needs to be approved by the main supervisor. NOTE! The student is unable to proceed until the research plan is uploaded and approved.

‒ There are two optional checkpoints for monitoring how the thesis is proceeding. The (main) supervisor and student agrees criterias, when the checkpoints are completed. The supervisor approves the completion of those points.

‒ When the thesis is ready and approved for review, student uploads the finalized thesis into transformer Muuntaja (PDF/A) and uploads the thesis to be reviewed

‒ Sudent agrees or refuses identification of plagiarism in Turnitin and publication.

Please, learn more about updated Laturi before starting the process: Laturi-opas

If there is any question or problems, please contact laturi@oulu.fi




Last updated: 3.12.2021