Want to change your major? You can apply for a transfer between 1 and 15 November
If you have not yet completed your bachelor’s degree, you can apply for a transfer to another degree programme or change your major within your current programme during the autumn transfer period from 1 to 15 November 2024. Bachelor’s students from other Finnish universities can also apply for a transfer to the University of Oulu during this period.

During this application period, the University of Oulu accepts transfer students to the following three international programmes:
- Computer Science and Engineering, Degree Programme in Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics, Bachelor and Master of Science (Technology) (3 y+2 y)
- Electronics and Communications Engineering (Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics), Degree Programme in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Bachelor and Master of Science (Technology) (3 y + 2 y)
- Information Processing Science (Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics), Degree Programme in Information Processing Science, Bachelor and Master of Science (3 y + 2 y)
The new study right begins on 1 January 2025 and the former right to study will expire at the end of the term preceding the transfer, on 31 December 2024.
Read more about transfer application
Finnish-language programmes, which require proficiency in Finnish, can be found on the Finnish-language transfer application pages.
Last updated: 1.11.2024