What generic skills should students master upon graduation - respond to the survey!

This spring, the University of Oulu has initiated a process of defining generic skills, aiming to identify which generic skills are most crucial for the future of our students. The definition work of the most important generic skills seeks to involve the entire community - therefore, a survey regarding this matter is being conducted for staff, students, and alumni. Every response is valuable!

Survey is aimed at identifying the generic skills that our community members consider most important and which should be included in all our degree programmes. Generic skills refer to general skills essential for successful performance in all fields of study and work life. This survey seeks to determine which skills are most critical for the future of our students.

Your response is highly valuable, and participating in the survey gives you the opportunity to influence the development of our education and how these important skills are addressed in our teaching. All responses will be treated anonymously and used only for this work. The results of this work will be used in the development of teaching and will be published through the university's communication channels.

The survey includes 18 generic skills, whose importance is rated on a scale of 0–10. Additionally, you may suggest any generic skill not listed if you wish. Completing the survey will take about 10–15 minutes. The survey will be open until 26th of April.

Answer the survey in Webropol

Last updated: 12.4.2024