Free Online Courses for All (MOOCs)

MOOC, Massive open online course (MOOC) provides quality education for a variety of people in different life situations.

MOOC delivers online learning opportunities to any person who wants to take a course, with no limits on attendance.

Develop your skills with a MOOC course free of charge and take advantage of the opportunity for an excellent student experience at the University of Oulu.

MOOCs offered by the University of Oulu (Available MOOCs)

Please note: some of the courses might be organized only in Finnish.

Other MOOCs

University of Oulu has also produced MOOCs in collaboration with other universities. Stay tuned for the updates or see the more detailed instructions from the coordinating universities web page.

Studying MOOCs

MOOC offers a full study experience for free. The course materials and learning assignments are open for everyone and generally the studying takes place independently.

In most cases, MOOCs are open for a certain period of time, such as a semester or an academic year, while studying is flexible according to the participant's own schedule. To study, a student needs a network connection and a computer. The majority of courses are also offered through the Open University. The study fee can be required if you want study credits to be registered through Open University.

More information about study practices is available in the Study Practices, Registration and Other Instructions for Students.