5GEAR: 5G Edge Computing Enhanced Augmented Reality
Project information
Project duration
Funded by
Research Council of Finland - Strategic Research Programme
Funding amount
384 424 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Helsinki
Contact information
Project leader
- Professor
Other persons
- Doctoral Researcher
- Researcher and Doctoral Candidate
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Post-doctoral Researcher / Docent
- Doctoral Researcher
- Adjunct Professor - Docent
- Doctoral student
- Assistant professor (Tenure track)
Project description
Edge computing emerges as an increasingly important way to bring computation closer to the edge of the network, for example, locally next to 5G base stations. The benefits of edge computing result from its proximity to data sources and end-users, including low and predictable latency, privacy-preserving services, long battery life and low bandwidth cost, and scalability. All of these are major concerns in modern applications such as seamless augmented reality. Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) integrates the physical environments with virtual objects for mobile devices. As such, MAR applications combine complex virtual layers with extensive environment analysis. These applications rely on computation-heavy algorithms and impose high latency and bandwidth requirements on the network. 5G infrastructure and edge computing enhances MAR with reliable networks, high bandwidth and low latency. Another benefit of edge computing is enhancing MAR with situational awareness by connecting MAR applications to the IoT world. This enables MAR to interact with the IoT world and to display critical information in real-time, for instance in the context of a smart city or in a smart building. To take advantage of 5G based edge infrastructure, protocols and algorithms that exploit the full capability of 5G need to be developed.
Security is a critical aspect for 5G edge infrastructure enhanced MAR, because MAR applications provide information to support real-world decisions. A malicious party may cause harm by taking control of the data provision system and sends fake information to those AR applications. Thereby, MAR can also become a tool for deceiving users and expose them to various security threats. Denial of service type attacks create huge harm on the users who entirely rely on AR displays (e.g., surgeons who receive vital real-time information on AR glasses). Edge computing enables to enhance device security and user privacy because of its proximity to data sources and end users. For example, industrial facilities or hospitals may store and process critical data within their own facilities on the edge of the 5G network. Considering great potential of beyond 5G MAR applications, the 5GEAR project focuses on 5G edge computing enhanced MAR with ensuring security of the users and the system.
Project results
Articles in journals
- Y. Siriwardhana, P. Porambage, M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, "A Survey on Mobile Augmented Reality with 5G Mobile Edge Computing: Architectures, Applications and Technical Aspects", accepted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2021. (Impact factor 22.97, JuFo 2)
- P. Porambage, G. Gur, D. Osorio, M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, "The Roadmap to 6G Security and Privacy", accepted to IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2021. (JuFo 1)
- J. Okwuibe, J. Haavisto, I. Kovacevic, E. Harjula, I. Ahmad, J. Islam, M. Ylianttila,"SDN Enabled Resource Orchestration for Industrial IoT in Collaborative Edge-Cloud Networks", IEEE Access, 2021. (Impact factor 4.098, JuFo 2)
- I. Kovacevic E. Harjula, S. Glisic, B. Lorenzo, M. Ylianttila, "Cloud and Edge Computation Offloading for Latency Limited Services" accepted to IEEE Access, 2021. (Impact factor 4.098, JuFo 2)
- N. Weerasinghe, T. Hewa, S. Kanhere, M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, "A Novel Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) Platform for Local 5G Operators", accepted to IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2021 (IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. (JuFo 1)
- J. Okwuibe, J. Haavisto, E. Harjula, I. Ahmad, M. Ylianttila, "SDN Enhanced Resource Orchestration of Containerized Edge Applications for Industrial IoT", IEEE Access, 2020. (Impact factor 4.098, JuFo 2)
- T. Kumar, E. Harjula, M. Ejaz, A. Manzoor, P. Porambage, I. Ahmad, M. Liyanage, A. Braeken, M. Ylianttila, "BlockEdge: Blockchain-Edge Framework for Industrial IoT Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 154166-154185, 2020. (Impact factor 4.098, JuFo 2)
- I. Ahmad, S. Shahabuddin, T. Kumar, E. Harjula, M. Meisel, M. Juntti, T. Sauter & M. Ylianttila (2020). "Challenges of AI in Wireless Networks for IoT," IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2020. (Impact factor 10.71, JuFo 2)
- I. Ahmad, S. Shahabuddin, T. Kumar, J. Okwuibe, A. Gurtov and M. Ylianttila, "Security for 5G and Beyond," in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2019. (Impact factor 22.97, JuFo 2)
Articles in conference proceedings
- Y. Siriwardhana, P. Porambage, M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, "AI and 6G Security: Opportunities and Challenges", accepted to 2021 EuCNC & 6G Summit.
- P. Porambage, G. Gur, D. Osorio, M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, "6G Security Challenges and Potential Solutions, accepted to 2021 EuCNC & 6G Summit.
- N. Weerasinghe, T. Hewa, M. Dissanayake, M. Ylianttila and M. Liyanage, "Blockchain-based Roaming and Offload Service Platform for Local 5G Operators," 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2021, pp. 1-6.
- Y. Siriwardhana, P. Porambage, M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, "Performance Analysis of Softwarized Local Mobile Networks", to appear in the Poster track of IEEE CCNC 2021.
- M. Ejaz, T. Kumar, M. Ylianttila & E. Harjula (2020). "Performance and Efficiency Optimization of Multi-layer IoT Edge Architecture", accepted to 6G Wireless Summit, Levi, Finland, March 2020.
- Y. Siriwardhana, P. Porambage, M. Liyanage, J. S. Walia, M. Matinmikko-Blue and M. Ylianttila, "Micro-Operator driven Local 5G Network Architecture for Industrial Internet", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2019
- P. Porambage, Y. Miche, A. Kalliola, M. Liyanage, M. Ylianttila, "Secure Keying Scheme for Network Slicing in 5G Architecture", proceedings of IEEE CSCN, Granada, Spain, October 2019.
- A. Rajakaruna, P. Porambage, A. Manzoor, M. Liyanage, A. Gurtov, M. Ylianttila, "Enabling End-to-End Secure Connectivity for Low-Power IoT Devices with UAVs", 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Computing and Caching at the Network Edge at IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2019.
Doctoral theses
- (2020) Tanesh Kumar, “Secure edge services for future smart environments”, defended 16.12.2020 (co-supervisor Erkki Harjula)
- (2021) Jude Okwuibe, “Software-defined resource management for industrial internet of things”, defended 14.12.2021 (co-supervisors Erkki Harjula and Ijaz Ahmad)
- (2023) Ivana Kovacevic, “Advanced Network Slicing and Computational Offloading for Latency Limited Communications”, http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/isbn978-952-62-3580-6, defended 3.2.2023 (co-supervisor, main supervisor Savo Glisic, other co-supervisor Erkki Harjula)