Mercury Assessment

Environmental and human exposure to mercury in the Arctic (AMAP Mercury Assessment 2021)

Project information

Project duration


Funded by

Other Finnish

Project funder

Ministry of the Environment of Finland

Funding amount

140 000 EUR

Project coordinator

Finnish Environment Institute SYKE

Contact information

Contact person

Project description

The main aim of the project is to collect Finnish published data about mercury levels from environment, wild-life and humans. The existing ecological (sediments, fish) and air chemistry/deposition data for AMAP Hg-report are primarily monitoring data, which are collected under national or international monitoring/research programs. Some relevant fish data has been collected also under different research projects. Data of human health (exposure) is project data, and previously collected campaign-type samples and results will be analysed in this project.

Adjunct professor Khaled Abass and prof Arja Rautio are participating in this project.

For more information, visit the Mercury Assessment project website.

Research groups