Digital learning environment for mining automation - automatic control of mining machines
The project will develop a digital learning environment for mining automation and robotics.

Project information
Project duration
Funded by
European Structural and Investment Funds - European Social Fund (ESF)
Funding amount
175 800 EUR
Project coordinator
University of Oulu
Unit and faculty
Contact information
Contact person
Project description
The project will develop a digital learning environment for mining automation and robotics. There is no similar training in the Northern Ostrobothnia region yet, a significant need is seen. The project explores and acquires new knowledge and skills in mining automation to create a new learning environment and course.
Research groups
- Professor Rauno Heikkilä
- Postdoctoral Researcher Tanja Kolli
- Research Manager Jyrki Salmi
- Doctoral Researcher Mikko Hiltunen
- Project Researcher Pekka Tyni
- Project Resercher Julia Puputti
- University Teacher Hannu Lahtinen
Public description of the project in EURA2014 website: https://www.eura2014.fi/rrtiepa/projekti.php?projektikoodi=S22800