Jan Hjort
Physical Geography

I’m a Professor of Physical Geography broadly interested in Arctic, boreal and alpine environments. My research interests include geodiversity, permafrost and periglacial processes, biodiversity, physical geography of urban environments and spatial patterns of ecosystem services. I have participated in over 20 multidisciplinary projects (principal investigator (PI)/Finnish PI in 13 projects). Examples of research activities include: PI of the HYPERISK (Hybrid modelling for improved permafrost risk assessments) and ArcticSHOC (Spatial ensemble prediction of permafrost thaw, soil carbon and ground-ice in the Arctic) projects, director of the INFRAHAZARD (Geomorphic sensitivity of the Arctic region: geohazards and infrastructure) research consortium and PI of the GEOBIO (The potential of geodiversity information in biodiversity assessments) project. Moreover, I’m the national representative for the International Permafrost Association. I’m supervising or have supervised seven postdoctoral researchers, 13 PhD students and over 100 MSc students at the University of Oulu. More information about the Physical Geography Research Group.
Research interests
- Geodiversity
- Permafrost and periglacial processes
- Hazard and risk assessments
- Biodiversity and biogeography
- Physical geography of urban environments
- Spatial patterns of ecosystem services
Researcher information

Contact information
Phone number
Visiting address
Geography Research Unit
FI-90014 University of Oulu
Postal address
FI-90014 University of Oulu